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About Amy
Life handed Amy every external blessing, a loving adopted family growing up on a farm in the rural Midwest. It also handed her every internal torment of feeling unwanted, that everything was her fault, that she should have been born a boy, or not born at all. She ran away from home as a child, and away from life as an adult.
Questions of her origin haunted her. Who am I?! Where did I come from? What nationality am I? Why do I have two different colored eyes?
At age 19 she met her birthmother and her maternal family, which unveiled the unbelievable synchronicities of genetics unknown. It wasn’t until she returned from six years in Africa, creating survival skills for children, that she realized how current self-esteem tools still hadn’t resolved her core issue of not being able to hear, “I love you.”
A chance meeting with a retired Navy Admiral convinced her she needed to look deeper into her life experience of writing her own suicide note three times by the age of 25. She found her answers in the most unlikely place, in the world of her ancestors.
Having met her birthmother at age 19 and her birthfather at age 54, she had a rare opportunity to delve into nature vs. nurture, discovering the most unbelievable synchronicities between her life and her biological family. She began to unravel the epigenetic treasure map in our eyes that revealed how even her adopted life experiences handed her the historical markers of her ancestors.