About Me

When I came back to the States after creating survival skills programs for kids in Africa, I asked myself, “What do American kids need to survive.” The answer came quickly enough… suicide was ranked in the top 10 causes of death for kids and teens. Along with that, there was a high ranking of kids and teens dying from accidents that were often due to self-destructive behaviors such as drinking and driving. A series of events led me to train in four different eye reading systems using very different methods of interpreting the patterns in the eyes. I discovered that the eyes were just like any other map – a map could be created to display whichever aspect of an area you wanted: geology, geography, road maps, elevation maps, demographic maps – completely different information about the exact same piece of land (in this case the eye). As my work continued and unfolded, I discovered there were often images – sometimes very detailed images of people in period-clothing in the eyes. Just as a rainbow is created with light, moisture, curved surface and reflection – these images were often as clear as a face cut from a newspaper or high-school year book. What an amazing discovery! and tool to uncover your personal ancestral beginnings!!
I use this photo taken by Simoné Sivero because she captured the true heterochromia in my eyes. By the time I was adopted at five days old, my eyes were clearly brown and blue. Over the years, the blue splash across the top of my brown eye changed quite a bit. You can see it up close on the “What I do” page. I now know that the splash across the top says a lot about me switching from being very right-brained and artistic to being quite analytical and using my left brain more. You can imagine, growing up with eyes like these, I had an intense interest in why do eyes look the way they do? Being adopted, I wanted to know if anyone else in my family had two different colored eyes. By not knowing my genetic origins for the first 18 years of my life, I was able to really assess what was genetic and what was environment and that has been a huge asset in developing Irigenics Ancestral Eye Reading.
As I began reading eyes, I wanted to understand more, and I found that there was much more to be revealed from the iris regarding our epigenetics, our ancestors, and how their lives were playing out in our current life. Irigenics was born. I was able to weave this amazing work into the programs of our non-profit, CLARA (Children’s Lives are the Responsibility of All) and to this day, continue to work with young adults as an amazing tool to improve self-esteem, recognize inherent talents and gifts, use their personal story as building blocks to being an amazing adult (rather than a victim of their life). Irigenics is a wonderful tool for helping kids assess their own trajectory in life and where they want to go, and how they need to monitor and protect their energy every day.
Like all maps, Irigenics began with someone charting and noting the different aspects of the space (the eye). In the case of Irigenics, a map of our ancestors lives began to take form. Soon there were markings for gifts; the years of education, training, and skills-building that our ancestors worked so hard to achieve, became our inherent gifts at birth. Equally, our ancestors traumas; the threats to their very lives and livelihoods, such as betrayal by a family member, or not being heard, began to take form on the map of the iris. The depth of the indicators seemed to show just how many generations were impacted by a trauma. At the same time, there were clear markings of in-utero experiences and experiences that happen during the first 6 years of life, when we are so reflective of our environment. While there is a map of the basic gifts, trials and traumas, there is still much work to do in collecting the data and continuing to develop the ancestral map of the iris.
Please note that I did not study Iridology and Irigenics is not about health. If you have a medical condition, please seek appropriate medical attention.
Inconsequential fun stuff about me:
My dog Millie’s real name: Millicent
Little known facts: I was a top-15 Finalist for CNN Heroes “Champion for Children.”
Hobbies: Kayak Bass fishing with my fiancé, Daniel
My favorite word: Nacala (“Here, I stay”)
My Books:
The Lost Scribe: Forgotten Channel of the Ancients {May 1, 2018} (which is the first in a series of visionary fiction mysteries that take place at sacred sites around the world and are based on personal experiences)
Six Years in Mozambique: Things I Haven’t Told Mom {June, 2014}
The Five Components of HIV (Guatemala, 2012)
# of years I lived in Africa
# of books I wrote
# of times I've moved
# of continents I've worked on
Contact Me
More Info
Richmond, VA
Business Hours: Closed Mondays
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