Mini-me Dedicated Video Ancestral Eye Reading

Mini-me Virtual Video
Mini-me is where your eyes get up close and personal, and can reveal things about you that even your closest friends and family don’t know. This video is yours to download and keep forever. Imagine a dedicated video of you, your eyes, and your ancestors. For about 35-45 minutes (depending on the quality of the photograph. 300 dpi is highly recommended) I will create a virtual tour of your eyes that explores how your energy interacts with others, your inherent gifts, and any significant markings in your eyes, including repeat patterns, in-utero experiences, and ancestral themes that my be playing out in your life. If you have already done the My-Eye-Mag custom Digital report, your Mini-me ancestral video reading will build on that to take a closer look at the intricate markings and patterns in your eyes; including how you and your soulmate or closest relationships interact and trigger each other. I will discuss repeat patterns that have played out in your life and the ancestral origins to them, as well as potential situations that can keep you from realizing your true life purpose and lifestyle potential. This is also an amazing way to review the ancestral images from your eyes, while discussing what aspect of their life is paralleling yours. Your Mini-me experience is just a click away…
Please note – Mini-me is available when you submit your high-quality (300 dpi) photograph of your left and right eyes.
All Ancestral Eye Reading
once you receive the digital download video, you are encouraged to send in an email with any questions or areas of your eye that you would particularly like featured in your My Eye Mag which will come about one week later. This is the same, award-winning 36-page custom digital download report of you, your eyes, and your ancestors that you would normally pay $149 to receive. Not only do you receive these two fantastic products at a discount, you also receive a discount on any follow up Mini-me Zoom meeting for 30 days after receiving your My-Eye-Mag. Take advantage of this fabulous opportunity today!
International Silver Award winner of Visionary Product of 2019 by COVR (Coalition of Visionary Resources). My Eye-Mag is an amazing 36-page custom digital PDF report of your eyes and what your ancestral patterns reveal about you and the life you were born to live, that you can reference over and over. From how your energy interacts with others and how to protect yourself, to your ancestral imprinting, inherent skills, and potential challenges. It often reveals ancestral images in your eyes – showing the earliest authors, rebels, and healers who honed the skills you were born with. It can also make a fantastic and unique gift for kids to give them the life skills to interact with others in those tender early years. Order your own personal, My Eye Mag, today!
Discover the amazing world of you, your eyes and your ancestors in My Eye Mag, where your eye is magnified in a way you have never experienced before:
Be the cover! Be the Centerfold! This is your moment to shine… Order your My-Eye-Mag today to discover the world of you, your eyes, and your ancestors (please allow up to four weeks for this digital delivery).
My eye mag is created from the digital photos you submit of your left and right eyes. These should be at least 300 dpi quality. Once your photos are received, Irigenics will contact you regarding their use for your My Eye Mag, prior to completing your purchase.

Coming soon --- Eye-Time Face to Face readings with an Irigenics practitioner
Coming Soon… Face to Face Ancestral Video Readings on Zoom with an Irigenics Practitioner:
Coming Soon – There are currently a number of practitioners in training for Tier I (Ancestral Gifts) and Tier II (Mastering the Ancestral Eye Reading) who will be available to conduct an on-line virtual eye-reading with you where you will both be on Zoom as you discuss and review the images, markings, and impressions in your eyes. All you need is to submit your high-quality, (300 dpi) photograph to be read. Click the link below to get on the update list for upcoming times and locations.

Ancestral Eye Reading Features

Personal Eye
Just like when you cut into a tree and can see the years of drought or flooding, your iris will reveal the deepest and most personal moments of our life. For this reason, Ancestral Eye Reading is sacred time — it’s a time to reveal the true aspects of the life you were born to live and the ancestral patterns that are part of the story of your life. How you transform those patterns into your own life-by-design, is one of the amazing insights you can gain in an Eye-Time reading
Mini-Me Eye Readings are a great tool for a teen to evaluate how they have viewed their life story until now, and how they can transform it from this moment forward. Instead of taking everything as personal, a Mini Me Ancestral Eye Reading can demonstrate some experiences for what they are, epigenetic patterns that show up in early life as clearly as Grandpa Joe’s gift for playing the piano. Putting drama in it’s place can be a life-transforming moment for your teen and your whole family.
Face to Face
This is where the magic happens. A full one-hour looking through the window to your soul together, where we can explore your ancestral patterns, inherent talents, and personality traits. Gain the tools to evaluate and balance your energy with your environment. Understand some of the ancestral patterns that have been playing out in your life so you can create a new lifestyle that embraces your true colors.