It was a Wednesday, soon to be unlike any other.

After my husband leaves for work, I normally start my day with a morning meditation and journaling. Some would call it automatic writing, the practice of asking a question and taking dictation of the voice and message within your mind.

This day was going to be different. I had been on a master mind class earlier that week and the question had been asked, “What is your vision?” in reality the question was, “What do you love to do that the world wants you to succeed at?” I had tried coming up with this answer as I bustled about my day, but nothing of any significance seemed to be coming to me so I decided this morning I was going to make a mind map to find my answer.

I asked myself the question, “What do I love to do, that the world would want to see me succeed at?” I had already created a method of mapping the epigenetic patterns in the eyes called Irigenics™ Ancestral Eye Reading, and I was quite sure my answer would be all about how to bring my work back to working with adoption and foster families. Still, I tried to clear my mind for a more Divinely-sourced answer.

Soon the words were flowing through me:

  • Discover your ancestors
  • Meet your ancestors
  • Embrace your ancestors
  • Understand your ancestors
  • Honor your ancestors
  • Connect with your ancestors
  • Engage your ancestors

How? Through books, courses, a community and open forums.

Why? to finally understand the ancestral repeat patterns, gifts, and unresolved traumas that are happening in our lives, especially for those who feel they can’t know their ancestors, due to adoption or other reasons.

Who? Youth – those who can’t hear, “I love you” – Families, who are taking in children from other origins. Adults who are working with children and child-placement. At-risk teens and autistic individuals, .

The answers spilled onto the pages of my sketch book… and soon a very lofty vision took form: “A signature book that got the world to actively seek a personal relationship with their ancestors… Ancestral origins are now recognized as the heartbeat of our gifts, talents, interests, quirks, and traumas. We’ve seen a huge reduction in teen suicide and self-destructive behaviors since ancestral components, including Irigenics™ eye mapping are a huge part of adoption, foster placement, counseling and coaching practices around our globe… ”

By breakfast I was under contract with Brave Healer Productions to create a book about ancestral connection and how repeat patterns show up in our lives. I sent out emails to those who had gotten ancestral eye readings from me; as well as friends and colleagues, especially those in my mastermind group; many of whom were already working with ancestral patterns. By noon I had at least ten people wanting to become collaborative authors in this book series.

By Saturday there were 20 authors signed up to write their chapters of their ancestral stories, and their online tools as part of the first book, “The Ancestors Within: Reveal and Heal the Ancient Memories You Carry” (with our title coming from author, Ahriana Platten). The artwork, Wakanda, was purchased from Kevin Hutchins to grace out cover.

I was all set to write my chapter of my personal experience of the amazing weave between adoption and genetics and ancestry. We had authors from genealogy, autism, adoption, Shamanic Journeying, Hypnosis, Human Design, Hawaiian and Native American wisdom, and so much more.

If you’d like to discover more of the ancestors within you and how they show up in your daily life, join The Ancestors Within Community on Facebook today, to meet the authors personally.  This amazing book will be available May 4 on Amazon. If you’d like to pre-order an autographed copy, you can find it for $22 including domestic U.S. shipping at


FreeGuide:Intro to Irigenics (a must-read before your reading)

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