Explaining Irigenics has never come easily to me. I’ve always said, “Let me give you a reading and you’ll see what it’s all about”. That’s not a very sustainable answer when hundreds of people want to know.
Irigenics is really an ongoing study (as the information displayed in the iris is no less than the “all” of what makes each of us unique). Even though it may be that tiny bit of DNA (by percentile) that makes us different from others – it is the everything that shows our differences from others – our inherent and environmental uniqueness. Like cutting into the trunk of the tree, you can see the patterns of drought years and floods.
In the eyes you will see the similarities and differences between siblings. Even identical twins. You will find the ancestral stories for those who are adopted or otherwise don’t know their ancestors.
Let me start with a couple of examples to help you get your mind around the origin of Irigenics; or what is sometimes known as epigenetic inheritance (as displayed in the iris). First off, humans (our physical bodies) are mammals and so there is a whole lot of physiology happening in every moment of our life. A great deal of it comes from breeding and genetic experience and adjustment over the centuries. Physiology is that part of our cellular memory and response that happens without us thinking about it.
For example, as a child you had just eaten a hot dog at the fair – then half an hour later, (while your body was still digesting the hot dog), you saw a terrible accident where a man was hit by a car and killed in the parking lot. Your family was loving and attentive at first but after a few days of you crying and talking about it, (since you were only five years old at the time) they told you to “forget about it. There’s nothing you can do about it anyway.”
Life moves on, but as an adult you get bad indigestion whenever you eat hotdogs, or white bread. You have completely forgotten that you had a hotdog that day. The fact that you had eaten a hotdog that day is as lost to your conscious memory as the fact that you had oatmeal with apples for breakfast that morning. But, your body remembers.
Not only does your body remember, if you are a girl, you are born with your ovaries in tact… and so your ovaries (which will become your offspring) will remember this moment, and the fact that your body was digesting a hotdog and the bun at the time of the trauma as well. You may even say, “Some hot dogs really seem to upset my stomach, but not others.”
These kinds of body shocks that happen when we see, hear, smell, or otherwise experience something traumatic are often locked up in our cellular memory. [There are some interesting studies and tools available on bio-decoding and trans-generational bio-decoding.]
Now, imagine you are an adopted child who has an irrational fear of drowning; meaning you have never had a bad experience with the water. You’ve never fallen into a pond or lake or had any friends or family members that have drowned; but you are absolutely terrified of the water. You also seem a bit unnerved every time you walk through a grove of trees when the wind is blowing.
After you get to your 20’s or 30’s you locate your biological parents and then begin to learn about the genetic family you knew nothing about.
You discover, at age 31, that you had a grandparent who had an accident as a child; a tree fell on him as he was walking in a grove of trees. He had to have stitches and actually nearly died – but he did survive the accident, though he had scars, and was often teased about them. Finally, the answer to your uneasy feelings when walking on a windy day in the woods is answered.
Now, imagine that another one of your grandparents had a situation where they nearly drown as a child or even as a young adult. At last you understand your fear of water and come to terms with it – it was your “grandparent’s” experience – not your own.
This is an aspect of the nature of survival. Each embryo is imprinted with the potential threats to their genetic line. In fact, you are born with your mother’s mother’s actual experiences in your cellular memory. If you are born to a genetic line that somewhere had an incident of being attacked by a dog, then your family – your personal genetic line (compared to others) is born with a fear of dogs.
Your spouse, on the other hand, came from a genetic line that had a great experience with dogs – they LOVE dogs. Having said that, they had some incident with a snake back a few generations.
As you have children you will find they have different body-builds and personalities (based on their birth order) from their father. As they grow, some may display issues with dogs while others with snakes… and of course your other children may be picking up other incidents from the ancestral line. These genetic imprints are as exact as the fact that some of your kids were born with brown hair and others have red hair (only these epigenetic imprints aren’t as visible – so you wonder how your kids can be so different in personality with the same set of parents and same home environment)
Just as some children are born with a gift for music or for learning foreign languages, or sports and competing, or being crafty – these are all expressions of genetic inheritance. Studies of children who were adopted and separated at birth, show that these tendencies can go right down to tiny personality nuances such as a tendency to wear a rubber band around their wrist.
Most of us are more than happy to claim our genetic inheritance of a gift such as music; but less likely to embrace an issue with authority, or impatience, or self-esteem, and yet, we can’t pick and choose our genetic package. It’s all a package, made up of unresolved traumas, physical traits (such as hair color), skills and gifts, and tendencies, such as our stature when we walk or pursing our lips when we are thinking. It’s all one giant package.
Still, we have the ability to alter this package by how we heal the traumas as they present themselves. For example, the child born with a fear of drowning could be nurtured and supported as they first learn to swim in a very safe environment. Will the fear, or possible situation of drowning) present at other points in life? Sure. But as each generation soothes it and heals it, it can fade out, and certainly the emotional upheaval attached to it will fade out as well.
Again this is an aspect of human physiology. There were threats to our lives in the 17 and 1800’s that no longer exist. They no longer “bleed” people as a means of curing them. (Yet some children develop the tendency to be “cutters” in response to emotional pain). Identity theft in the 1700’s may have been a loss of one’s name at Ellis Island or another Immigration point, but identity theft today, may involve an on-line identity crisis.
These are some examples of how patterns repeat from our ancestors to us. The last example I will give is of two ancestors who lived in abject rivalry. Perhaps one was a Native American Indian and another ancestor was French and were in battle with each other in the French and Indian wars, and the ancestral trail of their offspring’s offspring has been completely lost over the years until now two adults marry and they have a child who (unbeknownst to anyone) are the direct line of offspring of two people who killed each other.
The iris’s not only show the gifts, and sometimes unresolved traumas of your ancestors, they also can display your parent’s experience of their pregnancy with you. For example, if your mother was told at 8 weeks of her pregnancy with you that there was a problem with the baby, there will be a mark at that point in the iris. If both parents had this experience of your time in-utero, it can show up in your life as a crisis that shows up at about 8 weeks of any new identity-linked situation such as a new job, training, or education. Somehow every time you start something new, at about 8 weeks, some crazy crisis shows up and you are questioning if it’s safe to continue or if you have chosen the right path.
Equally, you may have internal dialogue of “What’s wrong with me?” that comes up over and over in your life. That is the internal dialogue that runs through your head as an almost natural response to anything seeming unpleasant. Another in-utero base-thought-pattern that displays in the iris is “It’s my fault” or a natural tendency to take the blame for anything and everything happening in the world around you.
This is the starting point of what’s imprinted in the iris and why Irigenics is an ongoing study. It would take hundreds of thousands of hours of data and comparison to finalize the Irigenics map of the eyes. But many basics are known and established and that’s where we begin.
Again, I will lead with an example to help you understand how some genetic inheritance imprints in the iris. When an individual has a mark at the 12:00 position of the eye, it tends to show an ancestral imprint of a “master-slave” type of situation. I have seen this many times in those who have been incarcerated. Yet, just because the mark is there at 12:00 doesn’t mean this individual is headed to jail.
It also shows up when there has been an ancestral situation of the Church taking control of someone’s life –such as not allowing two people to marry because of religious differences. Often times, when I see this marking, the individual is able to confirm they had an ancestor who was imprisoned or burned at the stake for being a witch.
Typically, if the mark is in the left eye, it has more to do with Church and religion, whereas when it’s in the right eye, it has more to do with identity or situations such as a landlord who had control over his/her tenants (the ancestors of the individual I am reading).
These situations, for whatever reasoning that your beliefs will allow, are an opportunity to reveal, heal, or activate a former trauma. If the trauma is still a current and ongoing threat to the genetic line (such as modern-day identity theft), then it will most likely continue to display in offspring until it is healed). If the trauma has been healed, such as the idea that bleeding is any kind of cure for disease dis-ease or pain; then the imprint will become lighter and lighter through the generations until the situation and marking no longer appear.
The smaller the marking – the more “tight” the imprint – (the more current and active it is). For those who have very streamy eyes with very few markings, the small indicators can have greater influence, or their eye photos need to be

side lighting the eye will show the depth of the streamy marks
done with side lighting to reveal the depth of the stream-lines. (something that wouldn’t show in a regular flat image).
There are four basic eye patterns, and those basic patterns tell much about how you respond to life’s situations. They will reveal some of the strengths of who you are and how you interact with other people’s energy. This is quite important as it’s the basis of how you operate with others. Some draw energy from others and some are drained by others. Some people are incredibly impacted by the energy of others and need to be a bit protective and others need to move, shake it off, and pay attention to their breathing in response to the people around them.
Irigenics is not the study of health or genetic health as we can always adjust our response. Having said that, one thing that has been made exceedingly clear in this work is that people who are not living their natural born personality (who have shifted or adjusted at a very young age, in response to their environment) are often developing some kind of condition, as it takes an incredible amount of energy to be what you are not.)
This does not mean a bad home environment but an environment that is different from your personal nature. For example, a very intuitive, musically or artistically gifted child grows up in a very strategic and analytical environment, will often switch to being more analytical. Depending on how and when that shift occurs, can determine if they are enhancing their natural born personality, or fighting it. This example also works well in an environment where a young gifted artist is told, “That’s nice, but you have to get a real job.”
Irigenics can help you understand all the factors of you and your life that have led you to where you are now, while revealing the true gifts and energetic environment that best supports you going forward.