What I Do Your eyes are a beautiful map of the person you were born to be – your most vibrant personality, inherent gifts and talents, how you respond to the energy of others, your natural response to your environment, and how you respond to challenges. They are...
About Me When I came back to the States after creating survival skills programs for kids in Africa, I asked myself, “What do American kids need to survive.” The answer came quickly enough… suicide was ranked in the top 10 causes of death for kids and...
My Books Stay up to date on new and upcoming books by Amy Gillespie AUTOGRAPHED COPIES AVAILABLE NOW THE LOST SCRIBE ~ Forgotten Channel of the Ancients Dive into the first of the MCO Fiction Adventure Series… Her grandmother’s last words had cautioned...
Resources & Freebies Check out some cool links to amazing talent and products here or scroll down to some great Freebies from Irigenics Below are a few resources that have been really helpful for me and I hope they will be for you also! This page will continue to...