Autographed Copy of The Ancestors Within Volume II – Discover & Connect With Your Ancient Origins

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Order your autographed copy of The Ancestors Within (Volume 2) Discover & Connect With Your Ancient Origins! Order by October 26, 2021 & get $2.00 off, AND get the Kindle edition for free!



Order your autographed copy today for the most unique gift ever for yourself or a loved one!

Continue your amazing journey of discovering and understanding how your ancestors show up in your daily life. This second volume bring you 25 author-experts, who work in the field of ancestral discovery and clearing ancestral traumas and patterns. Each chapter includes a tool for you to discover and connect with your ancestry. There are more than 20 free online tools included in this edition!

This volume is especially dedicated to those who don’t know their ancestors. Truth be known, in 7 generations we have 254 ancestors. Very few actually know their 254 ancestors and this book addresses just that. How can you get to know your ancestors within you, when you have no idea who they are? By the situations, inherent gifts, and clues that show up in your current life, even how ancestors can appear in the eyes.

A number of our authors also included tools for when we do know our ancestors, that were known for some unsavory qualities.

From genealogy to journaling, to spotting your ancestral pattern in a fight with a colleague, this book is the nuts and bolts of how to cultivate a personal, interactive relationship with the ancestors within you.

Order your copy today!



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