Illumination Station Blog
The Eyes of Love
Valentine's Day is nearly upon us and it's time to take a good look at how love shows up in the eyes. Could it be possible to find our soulmate by comparing our iris patterns? Jim Verghis, author of Behavioral Iridology would certainly say yes to that! While...
The Paranormal
Do you see things from the corner of your eye? Or people who aren’t really there? Or other unusual experiences you can’t explain? You may have the eye pattern that experiences paranormal (and other dimensional) energies. Keep in mind that paranormal simply means, "of...
The Compassionate
Do you ever feel a bit sick at school or work but as soon as you get out of there, you feel fine? Do people ever accuse you of being a hypochondriac? These are the first signs of being born with the eyes of a Compassionate. They have an intense need for harmony in...
Do you find yourself checking the room? Is everybody safe? Is everybody here? Then you may have developed a bit of "Hairball." No, I'm not talking about what the cat yakked up, but a pattern that develops either early in life, or over the course of many years that has...
The Tribal Eye
Do you ever feel a disturbance in the force? Do you ever feel like ...something's coming Do you ever feel enraged, and can't figure out why? "Woke up on the wrong side of your life" kind of moment? Welcome to the Tribal energy pattern. Individuals with the tribal eye...
The Intuitive Eye
While psychic is an energy pattern we are born with, intuition is usually a survival pattern that is developed in the first few years of life. Intuition is sometimes developed in a home where people don’t speak openly, for whatever reason. It can also be developed...
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